SMScat-Block spam messages
- SMS automatic classification SMSCat can automatically classify SMS messages into: normal messages, spam messages, promotional messages, and transaction messages according to the content. Support sub-categories: financial, order, reminder, weather, operator and other important information. - AI detection intelligent classification Using artificial intelligence algorithms, SMSCat can accurately identify and block spam messages to keep your inbox clean. - Real-time protection Real-time offline check of new incoming SMS to ensure that spam messages are immediately blocked, so that you are always protected. - Offline filtering Automatic filtering calculations work locally throughout the process, and accurate filtering of spam messages can be achieved without the need for a network. - One-click operation No need to set up cumbersome rules, one-click to start intelligent filtering. - Custom rules Support keyword filtering rules to create your own world of rules. - Privacy first Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. Offline filtering throughout the process ensures your information security. - Block all text messages If you encounter text message bombardment, you can block all text messages with one click. Remember to close them in time to avoid affecting your important information. - New version every week Keep the APP always up to date, the filtering effect will be better. - Feedback issues and suggestions Open the APP "About Us" and click "Contact Us" to report the problems you encounter, and we will deal with them as soon as possible. - Feedback SMS Copy the SMS and click "Feedback SMS" to feedback the SMS content. SMSCat will be smarter after learning. - If the user experience is good, remember to share it with your friends. - Contact Us [email protected]