Before you start to use it, you need to make sure some thing! There are certain preconditions for the use of this app.
You must need a computer firstly,at present, we only support MacOS and MacOS version at least 10.14.0.
Before you start to sideload the ipa,u need to register a free apple account, this is used for the tool to sign your ipa files.You can easily register on Apple's official website
This depends on your personal developer account, which is much more stable than the traditional enterprise certificate.
You don't need to jailbreak your device at all, avoiding other risks caused by your device's jailbreak.
Only when you need to sign a new app or refresh the validity period of the app, then you need to open the cokernutxserver on the computer side and connect your device, which is no longer needed at any other time.
In addition to the apps we have already provided, you can still sideload other apps by yourself.